Nélia (Celebrated By Nathalia)


What makes my mother unique is her way of pouring a glass of wine to enjoy her last hours of the day knowing she did her best.

My mom never complains about life and always holds her head high. When she tells me and my sisters something about her that we didn't know, that's when I feel we're most connected, because her story might be mine as well.

Tell us a little bit about yourself...

I'm a girl from one of the most famous cities in Brazil, trying to make a living out of writing, spending my days worrying about things that might never happen, wishing only the best for the world. Art speaks very loudly to me. Music is one of my passions as well. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole world and writing about it in my own way, knowing that Rio will always be my home. I fancy nice parties and taking long showers (I'm sorry environment - but I am a vegetarian, so maybe (?) it's okay - p.s. ‘long’ for me counts as 10 minutes tops). I search for the bigger light, for the better days.


What's your favourite childhood memory with your mother?

Growing up, my mom was always around - until she began to provide for my whole family by herself. She used to make nice birthday celebrations with marathons for all the kids to play, with perfect decorations and baking. When she started to work more, we were mostly okay with it. I used to sink in my writing and in books, other worlds always felt better than my own. But my mother was always there, and she still is.

Maybe I didn't grow up to be the perfect daughter she definitely deserved, but I try my best every day to make her happy because I know how much she did for me and still does. I love our whole story.

How is your relationship with your mother today? How has it evolved over the years?

I trust her with my whole heart and I always try to do the right thing to not let her down. I feel like I'm always letting her down, but I make very clear how much she means to me in small gestures every day. After my dad passed we became very close because we know now we only have each other. And that's enough.

What are some very specific ways in which your mother has helped you to get to where you are today?

She makes me feel safe and made me brave, too. I definitely learned how to fight my battles - and the right ones - with her. I idealize my mom so much because to me, she deserves to be treated like a queen. She makes people look up to her with her essence and I think it's beautiful. I hope I inspire people too one day. Her history is amazing and powerful and only she can tell it.

"My mother always says..."

To get it together. To stand up for myself. To never give up. To keep my head high. I think it's so important...

Complete this sentence: "I adore my mother because..." she can let me be free to be what I want to be and still point out when I'm wrong without hurting my being.