Posts in Youth Empowerment
Tamanda Namangale

I got this idea one day when I was being driven to school. It was like any other day but it was rainy, kids were clutching their books and running to school and the reality of poverty and affluence living side-by-side hit me. If my books got wet, I would just get others, but these children didn't have that privilege. I wanted a way to give them some of the resources that I had readily available, so I started out just trying to give as much extra stationery and books as I had available.

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Marina El Khawand

After the blast of 4 August 2020, I founded an initiative called “Medonations“ and that’s where I started officially making change. We replaced the government by doing its role on the field. We went on the ground to help our people, afforded their medications, helped financially with the treatments, helped with the renovation process of the homes... and we are all a team of six ambitious dreamer girls, and I am the founder of this initiative. We were able, in two months of non-stop work, to change the lives of 350 families in Beirut that were affected by the explosion...

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Harleen Kaur

In my family, there is nobody who shares the same profession as me. I felt there was a need for a platform where you can get career guidance so I started my website. There is hardly anyone around to tell you which field is right and which is not. You are constantly in doubt because some things look lucrative and some jobs pay way better than others. Since I always missed a mentor, this inspired me to be a guiding light for others.

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