

What does life as a woman or girl look like in your part of the world? What roles do women play in your society?

It's improving day by day but it is still challenging, especially with 'Eastern culture' that comes to play. The definition of 'eastern culture' itself isn't that clear. Many people believe Eastern, meaning culture from the Middle East. It is believed that this culture is superior that those coming from Western culture or are European/American. As such, women's roles in society become affected. They can have a job and career, but those jobs and careers are designed to fit women, meaning they usually feminize the career itself.

For example, a secretary, a treasurer, or a teacher is considered a women's job because of the stereotype that women are more careful, caring, compassionate, and able to distribute money more effectively than men. On the other hand, positions like leader, driver, or politician are reserved mostly for men, because of the stereotype that men have more logic and more physical strength than women.

What do you think is the most significant barrier to women empowerment and/or gender equality today?

in my country, it is the excessive worship over Eastern culture.

OK, tell us all about yourself. Who are YOU & what should the world know about you?

Currently, I'm an undergraduate student majoring in Communication Studies. I'm also a Radio Announcer and a financial staff who is fascinated about gender equality and women empowerment. I co-founded Narasi Perempuan, a small community to share, and create a safe space for women, and maybe someday will be able to advocate for women across Indonesia.

Describe yourself in one word: "I am... perfect

What are you most passionate about and what are you doing with that passion?

Journalism, women empowerment, and gender mainstreaming. For journalism, I joined the student press in my university and the student press association in my country. For women empowerment, I co-founded Narasi Perempuan. As for gender mainstreaming, I try using my own personal social media.

What are some of the most notable events (milestones) that have happened in your life to date?

Realizing my passion for journalism, women empowerment, and gender mainstreaming to begin with. Participating in the student press association in my country. Participating in Young Queer Faith and Sexuality Camp by Young Interfaith on Sexuality (YIFoS) once. Co-founding Narasi Perempuan and maintaining it.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

I got labelled as radical and defying the Eastern culture. I embrace those labels because it's true. In my opinion, the excessive worship over Eastern culture that makes women across the country unhappy must be defied.

Looking externally into the public sphere, what female public figure inspires you the most to achieve your dreams & why?

Emma Watson for one, because even though she's smart she cares about her surroundings. A lot of smart people do not care about their surroundings - we need more people who care. Greta Thunberg, for her resilience and reminding us that you can make a change no matter your age. From Indonesia, I guess Dena Rachman, for being true to herself, no matter what people think.

What's your definition of success?

Success is something you'll achieve together to create a better impact for society. I always feel successful when I can help people.

How have the women and girls around you helped you to get to where you are today?

They support me, never say no to my ideas, always say "let's try." They inspire me to be strong with what life throws at them. I'm humbled to hear and witness their resilience. They also listen to my story.

Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today, is to be..." true to herself

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