
What does life as a woman or girl look like in your part of the world? What roles do women play in your society?

There are really hard decisions to take for women in Mexico. My freedom as a human being has not existed. Our power in personal decisions is almost over, fear of death is in every corner, most of us have to decide if we should go to college or start a young laboral life (what they usually mean is: have kids).

Family is a really important part of this culture, but ignorance keeps on the ranking as the biggest problem. We, us, the Mexican women, are having a big fight for our fundamental rights, our integrity and existence. We are fighting for us to have a place where we live with a good quality of life and for respect.

What do you think is the most significant barrier to women empowerment and/or gender equality today

The ideology that rules in places/countries where women are seen as objects.

OK, tell us all about yourself. Who are YOU & what should the world know about you?

Me, Grecia Armenta. I’m a Mexican girl, who’s studying women’s rights in the international system, wants to have solutions and options to improve her life quality. I want to reach maturity in a healthy way.

Describe yourself in one word: "I am... a dreamer

What are you most passionate about and what are you doing with that passion?

I love my family. Hahaha - fun for a Mexican girl, right? I would be happy being close to my loved ones. My passion is to make people smile and help others; but still respecting my own integrity.

What are some of the most notable events (milestones) that have happened in your life to date?

My dad’s cancer diagnosis.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

My sister is about to leave the country to look for a life while my dad is sick of cancer. There are no jobs for my career [here] and each day I feel like life gets harder and it is really hard to find solutions.

Looking externally into the public sphere, what female public figure inspires you the most to achieve your dreams & why?

I haven’t found a woman with a perfect life and it doesn’t exist. I guess it would be great to reach happiness without sacrificing what I love the most, that is my family.

What's your definition of success?

Fundamental rights and freedom.

How have the women and girls around you helped you to get to where you are today?

By pushing me to be a better person and to understand what really matters, and letting me know that reaching goals is beautiful.

Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today, is to be..." complete.

MexicoGirlTable Admin