
What does life as a woman or girl look like in your part of the world? What roles do women play in your society?

It's not easy. We are not safe. Patriarchy is at its peak. Awareness is being spread, but as the influencers themselves are bigoted so not much is improving. Some individuals and groups are working immensely to improve the situation, but women and girls, who are supposedly worshipped, are not living on a good note. There are women coming out and taking the top-notch positions too, but there are more [women] who can't even step out of their homes without male help. No girl, kid, infant, woman, old woman. No female is safe. Nowhere. Not even in their homes. Strict laws are there, but justice is delayed and hence denied. Rapes happen more often than shares falling. Domestic violence is there in every second house. Hardly any case reported and females are taught to expect it, to not create a fuss. Triple talaq, although banned, is now happening followed with the rape of the girl by her father-in-law. Female infanticide, again illegal, is still prevalent. So is female foeticide.

What do you think is the most significant barrier to women empowerment and/or gender equality today?

Lack of sex education and related studies in children. They don't understand it's wrong. They don't know how girls are supposed to be treated. Once these boys grow up, they act like devils. It's not illiteracy or poverty. It's a lack of moral talks.

OK, tell us all about yourself. Who are YOU & what should the world know about you?

I'm a normal college going girl who lives in India. Nothing special in me. That's why the world should know how it looks from a normal teenager's point of view. I'm living away from home. Struggling with gender disparity and safety issues every single day. I'm studying in the country's most renowned college but the condition of girls there - gender inequality still prevails. And I have faced it too. I want to tell the world. I'm not a celebrity, who raises their voices here only for money. I want to represent all those simple girls out there, who are unique, but can't speak for themselves. The state I belong to is known for child marriages and female foeticide. The state where I'm doing my college is considered a good literacy state. But the condition of women, it's all the same. I want to show it to the world.

Describe yourself: "I am...

A very simple but unique young lady, with dreams to achieve.

What are you most passionate about and what are you doing with that passion?

I'm passionate about discovering myself. I'm lucky to have a family and space to do that every day. I want every girl to get this opportunity. My blood boils when I read about the condition of women. Being a tech girl, I look forward to doing something in this regard. So that every girl gets the wings they deserve.

What are some of the most notable events (milestones) that have happened in your life to date?

Bagging a good rank in one of the world's toughest exams without any reservation (JEE Advanced) and getting my preferred Engineering branch in India's top college. I did it. And I know, if I want, I can do it - whatever it be. Apart from that, the other milestone which I think I have achieved is to be the role model of my siblings. They have shared this in their exams etc and I'm very proud of this little achievement. Someday, I want to have this on a bigger scale.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

The biggest obstacle I faced was to retain my mental state when one-sided love went too high and the guy crossed the limits. He reached out to my own sister and used her against me. Being in the same college, there was a bigger concern of safety from this guy and my sister was provoking my mother. Things came close to my studies getting disrupted and my personal life being severely affected. But I learnt some important life lessons along the way. My mother and my boyfriend were my support system along the way and they held my back so that I could come out stronger.

Looking externally into the public sphere, what female public figure inspires you the most to achieve your dreams & why?

There are a lot of such public figures. But for me, the one personality that inspires me is my mother. The everyday struggle she has undergone constantly to make her children bloom is the one I respect the most. Her struggles have not yet ended. Despite my father loving her very much, she has fought against the world on her own. She lacks the emotional support from her spouse, in-laws, parents but her constant smile and ability to work for us, for our betterment, inspires me every day. She's a working woman and taking care of all my financial needs. She couldn't fulfill her dream but she's making sure that I don't lack anywhere. She's the reason I'm where I'm today.

What's your definition of success?

Contentment and time for my loved ones, with decent money to live.

Besides your mom, how have the other women and girls around you helped you to get to where you are today?

Ladies in my family are very supportive. I learnt a lot from each of them as I grew up (I lived in a joint family). In college, unluckily, I was always surrounded by girls who didn't go along very well with me. But every such situation taught me a life lesson, and I came out stronger. I built myself [up]. Not to forget, my roommate. She's my inspiration to work hard. When I see her study, I automatically study too! She's really hardworking.

Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today, is to be...” an unripe fruit. It depends upon the surroundings and the inner hormones, what it will grow into - a sweet fruit or an overripe one. The opportunity is in your hands, what you make it out to be.

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