Jessica Zavala


Hello, I am the Jessica Zavala, Creative Director at Jeza.

I started working when I was 20 years old as a practice graphic designer, then I got hired, but I felt like my creativity was always limited. I wanted to be able to see my projects completed, so I started to make vinyl for cups, coffee mugs, shirts, and different media at home.

I had such demand that in six months, I decided to open a store. I had so many customers and appointments that I wasn’t able to have a job and have my shop at the same time so I decided to quit. It was really hard but definitely the best decision.

Company Name: Jeza

Location: Merida, Yucatan, Mexico

Operating since: 2018


Instagram: Jezastoremx. Facebook: @JEZAStoreMx


Tell us all about your company.

We make personalized products: coffee mugs, shirts, cups, pillows, gift boxes, puzzles and much more. We love to make people happy so we offer the best and personalized service. Our mission is to make people happy by making their ideas come true. My inspiration was the idea of making different and original things, things that made people say, “wow, they do everything”.

Growing up, did you always intend to start your own company?

Yes, I always had in mind that I wanted to be my own boss.

How have your past personal & professional experiences helped you to run your company/organization?

I think the best thing that happened to me was to work, have a job [before], to know how to take orders, and to respect my superiors.

What is the biggest obstacle you've had to overcome?

Learning how to balance my life as a professional and as a mom!

What's your definition of success? Do you consider yourself a success?

Success, for me, is to see myself in the mirror and feel proud of every little thing I see. I love the person I’ve become. I love how every decision I have made has led me to this day.

Have the women around you helped you to rise? How?

Yes, my mom is my biggest example and cheerleader. She has always known how to cheer me up when I’ve felt down or how to advise me when I need it the most. My sisters too are big supporters - they are always there for me, or for my children when I am so busy and need someone to see to my kids.

What are some of your future plans? Are you working on anything else right now?

Yes, I’m working on a children’s casual clothing line made 100% in Mexico to support the local economy.

What advice would you give to women starting out in your industry or starting their own companies or organizations?

To believe in themselves, to never doubt that their ideas are good or can come true. The only limit is their minds.

Describe yourself in ONE word. Hardworking

Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today is...” for me, the most wonderful and challenging job, being able to learn how to grow and balance life as a mother, as a friend, as a wife, and as a business woman.

If you enjoyed reading about Jessica Zavala, you can follow her on LinkedIn and Instagram.