Tsaone Bedi


Hello! I am Tsaone Bedi, Founder of The Corporate Millennial.

I am also a qualified attorney, admitted to practice in the courts of law in the Republic of Botswana. I hold a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB), and a Postgraduate Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management. Currently, I am pursuing an MSc in Finance and Financial Law to enhance my skills and knowledge as in-house counsel in the banking and finance industry.

In my free time, I enjoy who reading, learning new things, dancing, and travelling.


Company: The Corporate Millennial

Location: Gaborone, Botswana

Operating since: 2019

Website: www.thecorporatemillennial.org

Instagram: @corporate.millennial

Twitter: @CMillennial_bw

Tell us all about your organization. What services do you offer?

The Corporate Millennial is a platform for corporates and corporate organizations that provides tools for individuals who are eager to be change agents in the corporate environment and for organizations desirous of creating healthy work environments.

We provide tools for graduates, new and seasoned employees to assist with transitioning from a graduate to an employee or from one role to another. Through our products and services we aim to empower individuals to be change agents, equip individuals for accelerated career growth and reignite the passion for the corporate world. The Corporate Millennial offers consultancy services for organizations to better position them to attract and retain talent, to better understand Millennials and Gen-Zs as they infiltrate the corporate environment.

How did you get the idea or concept for your organization? What was your mission at the outset?

The corporate world is a unique world with lots of opportunities for each one of us. With the right tools from the onset, every entrant stands a chance to make an impact. When I first joined the corporate world in 2015, transitioning from being a practicing attorney in a law firm, I needed guidance when faced with challenges, opportunities, or situations I had never met before in my life. My mission was to be that person for those who came after me.

Initially, I started blogging, sharing my insights or my experiences with the hope that it would motivate or help someone in my position. The purpose of The Corporate Millennial is to help young professionals to learn about the corporate world, how to maneuver through it and relate with others at the workplace. It is also a place for leaders and managers to learn about the younger professionals with the intention of creating a harmonious and evolving environment that retains and attracts talent. In Botswana, unemployment is a major challenge; however, when young people are employed, a number of issues are raised about their behaviour, work ethic, and their expectations. I wanted to reignite the passion for corporate work, to encourage successful young professionals to speak up about their journeys and challenges.

Growing up, did you always intend to start your own company/organization?

Growing up, I enjoyed leading projects and creating new ways of doing work. I have always known that I am called to impact peoples lives by contributing to their development or their personal improvement; however, I didn't know how I would do that or in what area it would materialize.

How have your past personal & professional experiences helped you to run your organization?

My previous experience and day-to-day encounters play a key role in the running of my organization. Every encounter is pivotal for the development of a new program or workbook for professionals to use in their corporate journey.

What is the biggest obstacle you've had to overcome?

As a young professional, it is very easy to be overlooked because you are young. You have to prepare twice as much to make the same impact as someone with a little more experience (which isn't really a bad thing). The corporate world sometimes has stern ways of considering one for a higher role or a certain salary, so you have to learn quickly how to be a value adding member of the group to be rewarded accordingly and to be afforded opportunities.

What's your definition of success? Do you consider yourself a success?

Success is doing what you love on a daily basis; being content with the life you are living, yet pursuing opportunities for growth. I consider myself successful in my career and with my organization, with potential to impact a larger population outside the borders of my country.

Have the women around you helped you to rise? How?

I was raised by a strong woman who consistently encourages me to pursue all my dreams and supports my decisions. I am surrounded by amazing women who motivate and encourage me on a daily basis. Having a strong network and support system is the reason I am who I am today.

What are some of your future plans? Are you working on anything else right now?

The Corporate Millennial is going beyond the borders of Botswana and outside Africa. I am currently working on [expanding our] website to provide a wide array of career accelerating tools that have worked for me. I am expanding the service offerings to include consultancy, training, and industry-based mentorship programs.

What advice would you give to a woman starting out in your industry or starting her own company/organization?

Just start. Start small, start scared, start with the little that you have. Your dreams and ideas are valid. Even if you feel like someone is already doing what you want to do, remember they are not you.

Describe yourself in ONE word. Focused

Complete this sentence: "To be a girl or woman today is..." an extreme sport, but we are designed for the extreme stuff.

If you enjoyed reading about Tsaone Bedi, you can follow her on LinkedIn and Instagram.