Posts in Consulting
Tinuola Iyamah

My search for where I belonged drove me to dig deeper, and my love and passion for seeing people win and thrive was my inspiration. For me, there’s nothing greater than seeing someone happy and at peace in a space where they feel like they belong, where they feel at home. My soul statement is to make a difference in at least one life everyday.

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Tsaone Bedi

When I first joined the corporate world in 2015, transitioning from being a practicing attorney in a law firm, I needed guidance when faced with challenges, opportunities, or situations I had never met before in my life. My mission was to be that person for those who came after me... In Botswana, unemployment is a major challenge, however, when young people are employed, a number of issues are raised about their behaviour, work ethic, and their expectations. I wanted to reignite the passion for corporate work, to encourage successful young professionals to speak up about their journeys and challenges.

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Reena Pandya

My first “business” was selling glitter water on my street when I was 5 years old! That lasted a day - until my dad came and told me to get back inside the house, but I would say yes, I always intended on having my own business someday… Being in the marketing industry for so long, I was always facing challenges working with agencies. Deadlines were never met, quality was always subpar, creativity was always lacking. My idea was to eliminate the struggle by creating an agency where these issues would not exist, in turn, providing efficient and affordable service.

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Yana Immis

There was a rather toxic environment in both of the places I worked at. I didn't like my job as I was no longer developing or meeting resourceful people and every day was the same. One day, as a coincidence, a few things happened that led to me risking everything and starting the business from scratch. I believe that immigration and education consulting are services needed by many individuals from developing countries who are moving to the developed countries. Mostly, there is no one to help or the services are too expensive, and this is where my niche is…

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